People Analytics Conference 2023 Summer
Video recordings
Hours of content
Conference Agenda
Future of Work
09:30–10:00 EDT
09:30–10:00 EDT
10:00–10:45 EDT
10:00–10:45 EDT
How to make data actionable? Lessons from the teams on how to turn numbers into stories, ownership and great drivers of change
Anita Zbieg
I work with data and love it. However, I realize that for most people, data = boring and overwhelming numbers that you don't really know what to do with. I'll share lessons learned by the teams I work with on how to turn numbers into stories, ownership and great drivers of change.
10:45–11:30 EDT
10:45–11:30 EDT
Session title: People Analytics: the epicenter of management and work
Zack Johnson

1) I'm going to do an intro on why people analytics is WAY bigger than anyone thinks. People analytics isn't about HR, it's about a new operating system for management where the person is the central analytical object around which we get insight and take action. The work we are all doing together is fundamentally changing how people work, manage people, and allocate capital. Moreover, it will have massive repercussions outside of work as the data is applied to even bigger problems.

2) Let's bring this to life with practical examples. I'll bring along Nigel Stoodley (former CCO of Tableau & Visier, current GM of our ACS division that's pushing the bounds of operational data + core people data) in a fireside chat around how customers, today, are bringing people insight to business impact.
11:30–12:15 EDT
11:30–12:15 EDT
Unlocking the power of capability building: Maximizing the impact of training investment to drive transformative business results
Fanni Kadocsa
In a world of talent shortages, restricted training budgets, as well as overwhelmed employees, it becomes crucial to be able to prioritize training budgets and training time. Return on investment is a great tool to measure the effectiveness of training as well as its financial impact. How do you calculate the ROI of a training? What are the things to consider and measure?

In this very pragmatic session, Fanni will:
• introduce you the Measurable Instructional Design Model as well as the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model
• highlight the key considerations for success
• guide you thru a concrete example from a recent project she drove – enabling you to get concrete ideas to bring your learning and development activities to the next level with state of art people analytics
12:15–1:00 EDT
12:15–1:00 EDT
Are you ready for generative AI in people analytics?
Cole Napper
No one is prepared for the disruption coming to the people analytics field from generative AI. What if the "analysis" part of people analytics suddenly became automated? What if you never built another dashboard? The technology exists today to do so. Are you up for the challenge? People Analytics expert, Cole Napper, joins us to discuss the impacts of generative AI on the future of people analytics, how to prepare yourself and career, and how tools like Orgnostic are going to make the future of people analytics a fun ride. Want to know more? Come find out.
1:00–1:45 EDT
1:00–1:45 EDT
Empowering Your Board with the People Analytics That Matter
Kevin Martin
The human capital data that board directors have visibility to is not nearly enough, according to new research by i4cp and Extraordinary Women on Boards. Specifically, the metrics they see paint an incomplete or blurry picture that fails to highlight the risks and opportunities an organization's culture, talent practices, and workforce represent.

How can people analytics teams work more closely with the CHRO to deliver the best, most impactful data—and more importantly, story—to the Board? In this session, i4cp chief research officer Kevin Martin will:

• Share four key findings from the latest research
• Highlight key ways that the board and CHROs can better align
• Outline the top human capital data that board directors would view as valuable—but rarely see
1:45–2:30 EDT
1:45–2:30 EDT
ChatGPT and the Future of Work
Daniel Samaan
In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) have transformed the landscape of human-machine interaction. One groundbreaking development in this field is ChatGPT, a powerful language model capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant responses. The rise of ChatGPT and similar AI technologies holds profound implications for the future of work, particularly in the realm of people analytics. This presentation explores the potential of ChatGPT as a transformative tool for people analytics, focusing on its applications, benefits and challenges. We delve into how organizations can leverage ChatGPT to unlock valuable insights from employee data, driving evidence-based decision making and enhancing workforce productivity and engagement.
2:30–3:15 EDT
2:30–3:15 EDT
Why Anchor Days Are Sinking Productivity & What to Do About It
Catherine Coppinger
• The pandemic accelerated the rise of distributed teams, which has changed how we work & how we collaborate
• Return-to-office policies are built on the assumption that we can do more faster when we're all in-person together. That assumption doesn't hold true for distributed teams.
• Here's how we expect new collaboration patterns to shape the future of team work
3:15–3:30 EDT
3:15–3:30 EDT
Conference Closing
People Analytics Tech
09:30–10:00 EDT
09:30–10:00 EDT
10:00–10:45 EDT
10:00–10:45 EDT
Navigating Opportunities and Risks: A Responsible Approach to People Analytics
Aizhan Tursunbayeva
People Analytics is a rapidly developing field that leverages digital innovation to gather and analyze data related to employees, teams, and the broader workforce, ultimately enhancing organizational intelligence. Nonetheless, this domain brings forth a fresh set of ethical, managerial, and societal quandaries. With the increasing public awareness of data risks and the implementation of stricter privacy regulations, organizations must address these concerns to avoid severe economic and reputational repercussions. Consequently, it is vital to strike a balance between the pursuit of innovation and the fulfillment of ethical obligations. This presentation seeks to examine the opportunities and ethical challenges associated with People Analytics, while also proposing a framework for integrating ethical strategies and practices within organizations.
10:45–11:30 EDT
10:45–11:30 EDT
A Skills-Based Approach to a Digital Talent Transformation
Doug Shagam
Skills isn't just the competitive currency of an organization. It can drive transformation within an organization. Using NLP, personalized learning pathways, and a talent marketplace that enables employees to be empowered, educated, and experience new skills and projects they create their own destiny and help change the trajectory of health for humanity.
11:30–12:15 EDT
11:30–12:15 EDT
Asking and Answering Questions: The Journey to Data-Driven HR Success
Nigel Dias
The success of people analytics is ultimately based on two main components: The ability of an organisation to ask questions and the ability of a people analytics function to answer those questions. In this talk, Nigel Dias will talk to employees about both sides of the journey, exploring what different types of questions get asked and how people analytics functions answer them over time.
12:15–1:00 EDT
12:15–1:00 EDT
Attrition Prevention
Fahim Karim
How to use People Analytics to save billions in cost caused by Attrition.
1:00–1:45 EDT
1:00–1:45 EDT
Organizational Health: A People Team's path to Minimum Viable 'Workforce' Planning [MV(w)P]
Alan Susi
Our People teams can all do 'minimum viable workforce planning' focused on building core capabilities for the organization without the advantage of advanced people analytics functions. We will walk through how people team members can coach and guide leaders about the financial impact of people planning and scenario plans through Organizational Health consultations - regardless of their financial challenges.

Key Takeaways:
• Data-driven people teams can be a valuable partner to finance and business leaders
• You don't need to have a fully matured People Analytics function to be data-driven and do scenario planning models
• Scenario planning, even in generalized models, allows for the people team to provide proactive guidance to core stakeholders
1:45–2:30 EDT
1:45–2:30 EDT
Leveling the playing field in executive recruitment
Christina Fernandes-D'Souza and Meghan Anzelc
• Where AI/ML can be utilized in the recruiting process
• Example use cases from executive search
• Challenges and benefits of utilizing these capabilities within executive search and professional services
2:30–2:45 EDT
2:30–2:45 EDT
Conference Closing
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